TFA Building, Fire Rd, Arusha


For your East African luxury, Mid-range and budget safaris, Wildlife Adventure, Ideal Hotels, Car Rentals, Conferences to Kenya, Uganda Tanzania, Rwanda and Zanzibar, Safaris to: Masai Mara, Uganda Gorilla, Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar Beach Holidays, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti Migration Online travel reservations.


Wildlife Safaris

Discover with our all inclusive luxury and budget safaris in Tanzania, The Great Serengeti Migration. Superb Wildlife and Lifestyle Photographic Safari Tours, by special Guides. Read more

kilimanjaro trekking

The highest mountain of Africa and highest freestanding mountain in the world lures travellers from all corners of the globe to conquer its magnificence. Read more

zanzibar island

Explore the World Heritage Site of Stone Town, Zanzibar City’s old quarter. Or just go beach to beach between tiny fishing villages, each one’s better than the next. Read more

Experience a luxury Tanzania safari where you can can witness the mighty herds of the Great Migration thundering across the Serengeti plains.

Your Tanzanian adventure will provide the unique chance to see majestic elephants, mighty lions, slender antelopes, joyful zebras, stealthy cheetahs and hundreds of other animals in their natural habitat. Read More

Let Us Help Plan Your Perfect Adventure

6 Days Tanzania Camping Safaris
7 DAYS WILDLIFE lodge safaris
8 DAYS Lemosho route trekking
6 DAYS machame route trekking
7 days machame route trekking
5 days marangu route trekking


Traveling is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Not only those traveling make us better workers and happier people, we also become wiser as we gain new perspectives of the world. You see, most of us are so caught up in our day to day routine and problems, and often forget how small our issues are in comparison to what goes on in many parts of the world. Traveling reminds us to be grateful, and makes us humble and empathetic. Moreover, if you travel to a place that is very foreign from what you are used to, being exposed to different societies and ways of life not only builds your respect for other cultures and ethnicity, but can also boost your own creativity and critical thinking skills. If you are still not convinced that you need to book your ticket and pack your bags, otherwise you will always be a dreamer and not a doer….Lets Travel with Translen to Tanzania.

Renate F
Renate F
28. August, 2022.
Perfekt und einzigartig Von Anfang bis Ende perfekt. Die Kommunikation vor der Reise, der Transfer vom Flughafen zum/vom Hotel in Arusha, die Safari an sich und die Unterbringung in den Lodges - einfach nur super. Wir waren mit unserem Guide zu viert im Jeep unterwegs - von Sonnenauf- bis Sonnenuntergang. Seine Augen waren immer auf der Suche nach Tieren - und er hat sie gefunden :). Abends am Lagerfeuer erzählte der Geschichten aus der Serengeti. Er wusste auch tagsüber immer Interessantes mitzuteilen - erfüllte auch "Extrawünsche", wir haben viel zusammen gelacht. Mittags gab es Lunchpakete auf "Rastplätzen", Frühstück und Abendessen in den Lodges. Die Verpflegung war sehr lecker und mehr als ausreichend. Auch Männer werden satt. Die Zeltlodge war einfach genial, morgens hörte man die Hyänen. Einfach ausgestattet, aber alles vorhanden was man (und auch Frau ;)) braucht. Liebevoll und durchdacht. Die Rhino-Lodge ist einzigartig. Super sauber, sehr gute Betreuung und Organisation. Äußerst nette und hilfsbereite Mitarbeiter. Die "Straßen" in der Serengti bestehen aus Schotter, Kies und Schlaglöchern. Wer Probleme mit Hüfte, Rücken ... hat, sollte sich das mit einer Safari gut überlegen. Im Ngorongoro Krater war es sehr kalt, hätte nicht gedacht, dass man im August in Afrika friert. Zwei Paar Socken und eine Fleece Jacke waren kein Schaden 😉 Alle Menschen, mit denen wir vor Ort Kontakt hatten, waren liebenswert, hilfsbereit und sehr freundlich. Ich kann Translen nur empfehlen.
David K
David K
11. August, 2022.
Sehr coole Safari Die 3 Tagestour war sehr cool. Unser Guide (sprach englisch) war sehr kompetent und freundlich. Er hatte einige Geschichten über die Tiere und über die Landschaft auf Lager. Er war stets bemüht das Verhalten der Tiere zu interpretieren und uns diese auch zu erläutern. Wir sahen Löwen, Elefanten, Geparden, Leoparden, Gnus, Giraffen, Wildschweine, Mehrere kleine Raubkatzen, Nilpferde, etc. und viele verschiedene Vögel. Das Highlight war das Zelten im Serengeti! Ich bin kein Fan von klassischen Zelten, aber das war sehr cool👍 Alles sehr sauber und das Essen war top! Abends am Lagerfeuer erzählte uns der Guide noch Geschichten, welches den Tag gut abklingen lies. Ich kann es auf alle Fälle weiterempfehlen! Die Straße zum Serengeti besteht nur aus Kies und Schotter, also man sollte nicht unbedingt Bandscheibenprobleme haben😅 Wer im August nach Tansania reist, sollte eine warme Jacke mitnehmen.
Ouyahia M
Ouyahia M
13. January, 2020.
I remember My Beautiful Memories In Tanzania N visited Tanzania and booked an Translen Investment company.l traveled with a Calvin Kimaro it's great guide.Everything was well,I've seen so many beautiful Things and places.Everthing was fun, I would like to go back again
Fredrik Å
Fredrik Å
22. July, 2019.
First time in Tanzania. We are very satisfied with our trip that we booked with Translen. We had good conversation through mail before we arrived and all questions were answered good and quick. Our driver and guide Isak made us feel very good and he was really nice and helpful. We saw a lot of animals of course. A lot of lions, both mail, female and cubs. We saw feeding lions, a hunting lioness and even a mating couple. We were even lucky enough to see a leopard cub and a serval. The first night in serengeti luxuary camp was excellent. Very nice staff and place and we felt very good there. They also had very good food and there was no problem at all getting vegetarian dishes. All in all we are very happy and satisfied with our trip and we can recommend Translen to everyone thinking about a trip like this. //Fredrik and Lindha
Benson Underson
Benson Underson
15. July, 2019.
The best Experience It was 13 When I started the safari with Translen with the Calvin as our Guide we saw many things and we experience the amazing game drive it was our first time to Tanzania but they make us feel like we are home away from home
18. May, 2019.
タンザニアのバードウオッチングとサファリ 昨年の12月に続き、二度目のタンザニアでした。ベテランガイドの方のおかげでたくさんの鳥や動物を見せてもらい、とても楽しい時間を過ごせました。今回は雨季なので雨が降ると予想していましたが、今年は雨が少なく乾燥した土地が広がっていました。次回は緑の草原が広がっている時期に行けたらと思います。
Nuru M
Nuru M
5. December, 2018.
We saw many animals thanks to our guides We saw many animals thanks to our guide, houston and the only surprises we had were all good ones! Our agent, was very quick to answer our demand and some adaptations. In the company offices, we have had a briefing the day before beginning the safari to make sure to clarify whatever was needed, as well as a debriefing the last day of the safari to make sure that the safari had met our expectations
27. November, 2018.
Very polite correspondence With very polite correspondence, I looked for animals that I wanted to see very hard. I still want to use it.

Our Blog

Mara River. There are many beautiful places to go on safari, and one of the most spectacular sights in East…